Do This If You Can't Get Sales On Your Shopify Store

I'm excited to share the 13 things that propelled me over the "10 order a day" milestone on Shopify!

While it might not seem like a lot, many individuals tend to throw in the towel before reaching this point. But I'm here to ensure that you won't be one of them.


Above The Fold


The real magic on your product page happens "above the fold". When we talk about "above the fold," we're simply referring to the very first things you encounter when you arrive on a website, without any need to scroll. It's your golden opportunity to present a treasure trove of crucial information, enabling your customers to make instant decisions about their purchase. This prime spot sets the stage for quick and confident purchasing choices. So let's make the most of it!

Announcement Bar

The initial attention-grabber on your page is the announcement bar—a versatile tool for boosting your average order value by highlighting special offers like free shipping. I've personally used it in two different ways:

  1. Set a threshold for free shipping - encourage customers to spend a little more by setting a minimum amount for free shipping. For instance, if you set the mark at $50 for free shipping, some customers will happily add more to their cart to reach that limit, ultimately increasing the average order value.

  2. Create a Sense of Urgency - spike your conversion rates by announcing "free shipping today!". It motivates customers to make purchases on the spot, thinking, "Today offers free shipping? I better make my purchase now!". It's a fantastic way to stimulate immediate action and drive sales.

Directly below the announcement bar, you'll find your brand logo. If you're using Shopify, chances are you've already uploaded it, and it's automatically displayed.

A logo is crucial because when visitors arrive from an advertisement or TikTok, it assures them that they've landed on the right, legitimate website — not some dubious, virus-ridden scam site. It's all about establishing trust and credibility from the get-go for your customers!

Key Product Benefit

The next step I love to take is highlighting the key benefit of the product right above the product photos.

While some only display the product images and features, incorporating a benefit such as "Experience the best night's sleep you've ever had" or "Stay looking younger for longer” directly resonates with the customer. It makes them think, "This is what I'm here for. This is why I want this product."

By doing this, you're enhancing your chances of boosting the conversion rate, as it strongly connects the product with its potential impact on the customer's life. This little tweak might just be the key to driving more sales!

Product Photo

Next up are clean product photos featuring a simple white background.

For that extra touch of brand identity, consider placing your logo in the bottom left to bottom right corner. These images need to be ultra-clean, extremely sharp, and free from any pixelation. High-quality, professional product imagery adds a polished, trustworthy vibe to your brand and entices customers to explore further!


It's essential to display the price, particularly if you're running a sale. In addition to the discounted price, make sure to feature the original price alongside it. If you're offering a sale, add a small box indicating the discount percentage or the actual money saved, like "40% off" or "$10 off."

It's crucial to do this calculation for the customer because it helps them truly comprehend the substantial discount they're receiving. Making these discounts clear and visible ensures customers recognize and appreciate the great deal they're getting. This transparency could significantly influence their purchasing decision!

Variant And Quantity Selector

Following that, it's essential to incorporate the variant selector for products with multiple options, along with a quantity selector.

This enables customers to easily choose different variations of the product and select the quantity they desire. Ensure these selectors are conveniently located below for a smooth shopping experience.

Making it effortless for customers to explore and select various options will enhance their shopping journey and increase the likelihood of them making multiple purchases!

Add To Cart Button

Wrapping up what's displayed above the fold is the all-important "add to cart" button. While this marks the end of the above-the-fold section, remember there's still the rest of the product page to explore.

Below The Fold

While the “above the fold” section remains critical, it's just the beginning. You'll want to make the most out of the entire product page to maximize its potential and make it as impactful and engaging as possible!

Product Benefits

The initial content you'll want below the fold are the various benefits your customers are keen on – how your product will enrich their lives. Simply listing features or dimensions might not speak directly to your customers' needs.

Start by emphasizing the benefits your customers will gain. When it comes to features, consider placing them towards the end of the page. For instance, in the case of clothing, a sizing chart could be positioned at the end of the product page. However, suppose you're selling a product meant for dogs, and the materials are safe for them to chew.

In that case, it's not just a feature but a substantial benefit. Customers are reassured knowing it's safe for their pets, so it's more than a feature; it's a valuable benefit. In such cases, you'll want to place this benefit a bit higher up on the page. This way, you're prioritizing the information that truly matters to your customers!

Sticky Add to Cart

Also, remember that as customers scroll through your product page, they might want to add items to their cart.

If there's no clear "add to cart" option, it could create a barrier in the conversion process. Consider incorporating a sticky "add to cart" feature at either the top or bottom of your page.

On mobile devices, for instance, this sticky "add to cart" will remain visible as they scroll down, ensuring customers can easily add products whenever they wish. This convenience can significantly enhance their shopping experience and your conversion rate!

Product Video

The next successful addition to a product page is a video or GIF illustrating how the product functions. In my experience, a video is particularly effective as it reminds customers why they visited the product page in the first place.

By showcasing the product in use by other customers in real time, it rekindles their desire to purchase. This reinforcement of the product's usefulness significantly boosts the conversion process, reminding customers why they truly want to buy this product.

Product Reviews

The last part of the product page should be the customer reviews. You should have a "see more" button allowing easy access to a variety of customer feedback.

If you don't have customer reviews, consider leveraging an app like Loox, which I previously mentioned. It enables you to source product reviews from AliExpress, even if they aren't directly from your customers. While not ideal, they are real reviews for the product you're selling.

Furthermore, strategically scattering reviews throughout the product page can be very beneficial.

This serves two purposes:

  1. Showcasing the product's benefits in the words of actual customers

  2. Addressing potential objections because, sometimes, customers resonate better with objections handled by other customers.

Remember, all these tips focus solely on the product page. To boost sales, it's essential to drive traffic effectively. If you're struggling to convert that traffic into sales, following these strategies can hopefully bring your page up to a level where you can reach that desired 10 orders a day. It's all about getting your page in tip-top shape to start generating sales and hopefully reach that 10 order a day mark.

For more on dropshipping read our blog post: Dropshipping: What You Need to Know Before You Start (2023 FAQ)

Niall Enrique

Over half a decade in Ecommerce
Lived in China since 2015


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Do These 4 Things to Succeed in eCommerce | Shopify Dropshipping